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Manhunt 101

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 17:27
by fou_original
Since manhunt seems to be played a lot these days, I decide to make a topic about all the ins and outs of manhunt as well as provide a couple of links to certain custom maps that are being played a lot (or should be, because they are awesome)

bit of history on this gametype:
Manhunt could be defined as a hybrid between hide and seek and the game of tag combined with a little bit of death.
Manhunt used to be played with all weapons unlocked and full force (with seeing and mind trick locked for obvious reasons) on all sorts of maps.
But over the years the settings changed a bit, force quickly faded from the gametype and certain weapons were quickly removed as well.
detonator packs, tripmines, bryar pistol and on certain maps the sniper (helms deep for example) seemed to be the standard after a while. however it looks like the only weapons currently being used are detonator packs, tripmines and the good ol' lightsaber.

the rules as they currently are:
- 1 player is the hunter (usually in red team) with the task to find and kill the blue team.
- blue team are allowed to hide, run and fight with whatever means necessary.
- blue team gets a 30s head start to hide. If a blue member dies within the 30s grace period, it stays blue team.
- whenever a blue member dies after the 30s period is over, it changes to red team and becomes a hunter as well.
- last blue member to stay alive wins the game and picks the next hunter.
- you are not allowed to pick the same hunter as last game.
- Teamkilling or ratting out your fellow blue players is allowed. however, be on your guard the next game as they might return the favor
- boosting (reaching higher places through mines, saber boost or jump bug) is allowed. on certain maps however some boost places are ridiculously hard to get to and might be considered lame (upper area of ctf_warring_factions for example)
- some custom maps (countryacademy, country2) have mazes in them, these are off limits
- countryacademy has a couple of teleports (the small houses near windmill) depending on the amount of players these are off limits as well, however if the majority agrees they can be allowed.

manhunt can be played on all maps, however maps with lots of hiding places and a darker setting are usually more fun (helms deep is a perfect example) ns_streets as well

I've made a zipfile of custom manhunt maps people should download, it contains the following maps:

country academy
country 2

shroomduck mappack contains 2 maps (and possibly a few others) that are great for manhunt
transdermal celebration

If I forgot anything or if you know any other custom maps please post below.


Re: Manhunt 101

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 17:52
by Daggolin
Sounds pretty complete to me. Though I think there can always be exceptions that people decide on in the beginning of the round (teleports allowed or not on countryacademy, etc.) so it is important to ask for the current "rules" if one is unsure if the spot one wants to hide in is allowed or not.

But really nice overview, thanks to you I now have a topic to link to when telling people about manhunt. :)

Great job!

Re: Manhunt 101

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 18:01
by Boothand
Nice, good post! I love manhunt, it has become my favorite thing in JK2.

The Shroomduck Mappack

Re: Manhunt 101

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 18:03
by Daggolin
Boothand wrote:Nice, good post! I love manhunt, it has become my favorite thing in JK2.

The Shroomduck Mappack
I guess for me too. :o

Re: Manhunt 101

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 18:12
by fou_original
forgot to add the zipfile :') added in the original message

Re: Manhunt 101

Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 05:01
by Jeaso
I remember WOV being my favourite map during the golden days, my question is, does anyone know the name of background music that is being played? I just remember it giving me the most relaxing vibes.

p.s. sorry for reviving this :<